Philip Crawford

January 4 through January 28, 2022


Philip Crawford (b. 1988) is a US-American artist based in Berlin and Philadelphia. He considers his research-based practice as primarily archeological: a slow and systematic chiseling away at popular heroic narratives from history, mythology, and fantasy in order to unearth pop artifacts and understand the cultures that produced them. The images, objects, and statements he appropriates and repurposes become narrative frames and material resources for an interdisciplinary studio practice that includes critical essays, works on paper, sculpture, and installation. Philip holds a B.A. in History from Stanford University and is an MFA candidate at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture. 


FLIGHT by Philip Crawford, on exhibit January 7 through 28, 2022; Woodward and E. Forest, Detroit.


Jámal Currie


Nour Ballout