Nandi Comer

March 29 through April 24, 2022
Kresge Artist Fellow Lecture: Wednesday, April 6, 6PM
Zoom Registration Link:


Nandi Comer is the author of American Family: A Syndrome (Finishing Line Press) and Tapping Out (Northwestern University Press), which was awarded the 2020 Society of Midland Authors Award and the 2020 Julie Suk Award. She is a Cave Canem Fellow, a Callaloo Fellow, and a Kresge Arts in Detroit Fellow. Her poems have appeared in Crab Orchard ReviewGreen Mountains Review, The Offing and Southern Indiana Review. She serves as an assistant poetry editor for Four Way Review and as a poetry editor for Obsidian Literature and Arts in the African Diaspora. She currently serves as the Director of the Allied Media Projects Seeds Program.


Kim Miller